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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Only 2 more days before I leave for TAIWAN!!! *kim does a little dance and at the same time throws confetti in the air*
After course card day been doing almost nothing except for lazing around, watching soaps I bought and researched on what am I going to do in Taiwan. It has been donkey ages since I went there, think when I was 8 or 9? Most probably 10 years ago. Went to flowerpod.com.sg recommended to me by my friend hui yan in singapore :D it provided lots of help... except that LAO NIANG have to read like over 140+ pages, my eyes cannot tahan liao. In the end got so tired so I cheated on for like 20 pages HEEHEE.
Have to fix my kia AGAIN for don't know how many times because it gave out smoke when I turned on the headlights (-_-") and also the meters are BROKEN AGAIN... #$%#%#$%@#$... I WANT A NEW PINK HONDA JAZZ LAH!!! but they say they only going to give me a new car when I get married. Comeon, that would be roughly around 6-7 years?! Dunno my kia depreciate until no resale value... hmm... if i scrapped it might be worth few pesos... lol...

my angel-*

Friday, April 20, 2007

I tell you its such a freaking hot day that the cold water from the shower became warm! (Of course I didn't turn on the heater god damn it, lol).
Yesterday was course card day, which means the day where I would know all my grades for the previous trimester!!! I can't help feeling the excitement building up within me, the curiosity which I felt on how I fared on my final exams. My grades were OKAY, and I managed to be a consistent dean's lister (thanks to the people who believed in me) :D I'm just a normal human being who studied hard... not like those who have superbly smart brains which I long to have. Their parents must be super people to have such great kids (-_-") Tell me who gets a 4.0 in an income tax subject!? (4.o is the highest and very impossible for a law subject to attain) FYI, I only got a measly 2.5.
Btw, i will be going to Taiwan next week!!! Yipee! At last, I'm away from the very HOT HOT MANILA!!!

my angel-*

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

TADA~^! I am back from my day long trip from the infamous Tagaytay! To sum up everything... IT WAS REALLY WORTH IT even though every body was really tired after.
Set my alarm clock at 0715 and woke up at 0830 instead (-_-") Was talking to christian last night and I need my 8 hours of sleep :D anyway, chopchop and ate, washed up, prim and prettify and was done by 0930. Turned out christian couldn't fetch me to princess house because he had to renew his driver's license which took like 7 hours for him! Good thing I didn't wait if not i would be rotting away, lol. Joshua and mico fetched me instead in his "limited ed" mazda 3 which christian can't really seem to believe, lol. "got sunroof doesn't mean limited right?" I mean, how often do get to see mazda 3's with sun roofs? :D anyway, fetched harley thereafter and proceeded to princess's house. I tell you, joshua drives like a snail! And his reason was because mico was fat and the weight made his car go slower (-_-") puhleeze lo... when almost everybody was together, we transferred to princess chevy and zoomed off to pick up princess jez in bicutan :D.
Arrived at Tagaytay at about 1300 and ate lunch at the Greek Tavern. Even though the place looks shabbily set up, but their grilled food really rawks. I was the one who introduced it and I'm very pleased to know that my friends enjoyed their meals. The lunch was worth the cash which harley treated us. Thanks HarlEy!!!
We went home and played cards such as heart attack, bluff and dai dee (which we weren't able to finish because we had a filming on going nearby our house!) We thought it was kim chiu and immediately scrambled our way to the hot fields only to find out there was only ryan agoncillio :( *disappointed kim* Thinking that we wasted enough time walking towards the place, we played around and made so much noise that the film crew people had to shut us up :P, lol. We turned to horseback riding instead, and the guys were making jokes about their painfull balls, hahaha.
We had dinner at carlo's pizza, drank beer (I didn't) and chit chat, took pictures and played around. :D I really had a great time guys, thanks for making it all successful :D
*pictures will be uploaded by princess and I will post it up as soon as I get it :D

my angel-*

Monday, April 16, 2007

I know... i know i haven't been blogging in ages! But I have a perfectly good reason for that, simply because I was studying for my then upcoming finals (which I swear I totally flooped) anyway, that already eneded last week and I've been worried about my grades ever since. *chattering teeth*
Tomorrow would be our long awaited outing with my friends at Tagaytay!
WOuld update as soon as possible tomorrow... I PROMISE... :D
Going to snoozle soon

my angel-*

Friday, March 23, 2007

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weird posings of mine

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wrinkled face

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us again!

didn't update for a long time sorry! was too busy with school work. exams are coming and hols too! :D tia!

my angel-*